It's all a bit of a mixed bag these days, though one wonders when it isn't in life. The biggest news is the acquisition of my first round of the Moderna Covid vaccine, handed out by the University. We were surprised to receive it so quickly, and in fact many in the community objected to our seemingly-preferential treatment, but the fact of the matter is that the school is a major disease vector, so vaccinating as many of us as possible helps to stop the spread. And the numbers have been spiking since people returned to campus after the winter break.
I'm struck by the fact that I've failed to mention really the political events of January with the insurrection in the capital, the inauguration, and the second impeachment trial. These things do consume the news cycle and are heartily relevant, but it reminds me that in past eras people surely did take note of the major events of their lives, but were no less consumed themselves with the growth of their plants and children. Life is prosaic.
Speaking of growth and children; January saw a miscarriage for me. Sad and worrying. I wonder often if stress was a contributing factor as it came just after a series of upsetting revelations and a request for a meeting by the Dean, with whom I have not had a positive experience this year. The meeting is not until February and may be nothing at all, but I have another week or so to stress about it. The other news will require action, but I have responded as necessary.
The Paperwhite bulbs are growing strongly and in fact the first flower bloomed last night just before I headed to bed. There is a tray of tentative lettuce in the greenhouse and the Sweet Peas are putting on true leaves now and will need potted up soon. The weather forecasts snow, but my heart inches towards Spring, as do all my hopes.
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