And happy puppies. On Friday my BF and I picked up sections of pre-fab fencing and in a matter of a couple of hours we fenced a sizable section of the back garden for the dog to run around in. The section runs about two-thirds of the back of the house from the deck to the end of the building and contains the entire greenhouse and the compost bin and quite a large grass/moss section. The dog absolutely loves her new run, and with a gate in either section of fencing I can move in and out of the enclosure with relative ease. We had to create a barrier from one section of the fence across the bottom of the deck, or the fence would have been useless for containing the pup. I had thought I had enough of the chickenwire left from the compost bin, but it proved a bit short. Happily I had some green plastic fencing leftover from a costume at work. Don't ask. Since I purchased the green fencing on my own dime years ago (hating to go through the trouble of a tax exempt form for a less than $5 purchase), and since I haven't used the remainder of the roll in over six years, I felt justified in bringing it home to finish the project.

Sunday I laid out the rest of the stone path from the deck to the greenhouse, but as I hope to dig that in this week I shall save the photos of that for when the project is more complete. Bonus:- In the process of putting in the fence we discovered the missing plastic piece for the door handle on the greenhouse, so I'll have to see if that can be attached post-completion.

Sunday I laid out the rest of the stone path from the deck to the greenhouse, but as I hope to dig that in this week I shall save the photos of that for when the project is more complete. Bonus:- In the process of putting in the fence we discovered the missing plastic piece for the door handle on the greenhouse, so I'll have to see if that can be attached post-completion.
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